Saturday, June 24, 2006


The below picture is myself, jennifer and stranger on our way to Norfolk, Virginia. This dude was incredibly friendly first by sharing his certs with us, secondly by sharing his snack pack and thirdly by perusing incredibly graphic porn throughout the flight.

Sorry, guys... a ladies choice dance when one of us is married and the other has a boyfriend just leaves us dancing with each other. Which ironically in a god fearing, insanely conservative town at a wedding serving Kool Aid and Iced Tea left them something to talk about...

THEN we have the reason we are all here... Leslie & Conrad. One of those couples upon first meeting them it is clear 1) they are meant for each other and 2) gives hope to us all for THAT kind of happiness.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

"The golden opportunity you are seeking is in yourself. It is not in your environment, it is not in luck or chance, or the help of others; it is in yourself alone."– Orison Swett Marden

What's been up with me? Well, my maternal grandfather passed away a couple of weeks ago and honestly, it hit me a lot harder than anticipated. He was the last of my grandparents and returning for his funeral was very surreal since I saw cousins (all fourteen of them) that I haven't seen in seven years. How is it we become so estranged from the only family we've ever known.

I have truly become a hermit in a sense, I haven't being hanging out with my friends or going out hardly at all for awhile now I just have no desire to. But, that is all changing. Last night I was at Cafe Ba Ba Reeba with Nick whom I haven't seen in months and we had such a good time drinking Cava Sangria and eating tapas and just catching up. Today is lunch with Erin, Heather & Larry at the Pub, tonight is drinks with Michael & Nic at Firefly, and tomorrow is a wine tasting with Gibson. I'm slowly but surely getting back into being social. Slowly but surely.

I've taken the week off from working out since returning from North Carolina Outer Banks for a wedding (and a seven mile run on the beach). This weekend will be kickin' it by the pool at GVR with Tonya and heading to church then just prepping for book club which I'm hosting on Monday Night. Still trying to catch a theme, I'm thinking trying the new Blueberry Stoli and having a blueberry theme but that might be too Veruca Salt. We'll see.

Monday, June 12, 2006

New and Improved

Here's to trying to be more faithful to my writing...