Wednesday, August 16, 2006

You Never Call Me When You're Sober

Couldn't sleep, five a.m. left me laying in the bed I haven't seen for six nights desperately attempting to share my tempurpedic pillow with Princess who is still bitter from being left alone. So used to waking up that early anyways to run the Mastiffs before leaving for work I decided to head back to the gym for some cardio and I'm SO glad I did. Ran into Billie after I got out of the shower. I've known her for four years and used to work out in her classes (she teaches) five days a week for years except the past year I've been migrating to evening work outs instead. I am going to start back to the old routine which includes Spin Mondays & Wednesdays at 5am and Body Pump Tuesdays & Thursdays with Pilates on Friday. I actually miss it.

I will be getting a baby kitty this week now that Chris is back, his responsibility is to keep my head on straight because I go completely crazy when I see kittens. I want them all. I'm leaning towards Buttons from Heaven Can Wait. 1) Buttons is my favorite song right now, too so I think it's a "sign" 2) she was licking my nose and then promptly fell asleep while I was holding her. Adorable.

My allergies are kicked into full gear today, the time of year is nearing when I lose my voice due to them. Always sexy for me to sound like Demi Moore on steriods. Love it.

My dog sitting duties are now ceased and I have moved forward onto kitty sitting until Friday.

The past two days have been hectic at best. I am having lunch with a long lost friend today. That's the one major suck factor when a relationship ends is "our" friends become either his or hers. Fortunate to start a civil, borderline friendship with my former has opened up the door to casually start checking in with those I've known for so long and have missed dearly. I guess the "waiting period" is over.

Had to terminate one of my assistants on Monday night for insubordination... sucks because although I strive to be the cool, laid back boss I am still THE BOSS. When it's time to put my money where my mouth is on establishing authority, I will.... so don't try me. You won't win.

Sorry - Mysty & Larry - for flaking on Bob Beer's Campaign Party which I would have LOVEloved to attend. I fell asleep due to near exhaustion and only awoke after several phone calls. I tried to make it down before the airport but the flight landed early and I was stuck.

We'll all have to catch up sometime soon. Miss you.

Heather please have a safe and awesome trip at the Lake for the next week. Can't wait to see the video again.

Happy Days.


Blogger Beakerz said...

Congrats on your new kitty!

11:14 PM  

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