Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Momma said there'd be days like this...

Holy cow. What is UP today? My lower back has been hurting lately, the massage last night helped somewhat... but not entirely. Hopefully I can be manipulated this afternoon by one of my Chiropractors on staff. (fingers crossed)

I slept like hell last night, woke up late.

Rushed into the shower and had no shampoo so I had to step out all sopping wet to find some and I slipped on the tile and seriously busted my ass and cursed louder than I have in my life. That's going to be a great bruise from my ankle to my thigh. Sexy.

Do trees make a sound when the fall in the forest and no one is there to say "Timber"? How the hell am I suppossed to know... But I DO know that I only cry if there is someone there to comfort or pity me. Other than that, I will swear like a sailor.

**This reminds me of six years ago, Christmas Eve in Florida when I slipped in the bathtub at my parent's house because my mother cleans like a crazy women before the kids come home for the holidays. After I slipped everyone told me to suck it up and walk it off... only to find I had fractured FOUR ribs when I returned home to Texas and visiting my Doctor because I was still sore. Nothing was to stop me from my snowboarding vacation with Amy to Breckinridge. I had my doctor tape my ribs, fill a large prescription of Vicodin and off I went. I boarded for five days straight with my chest taped. You only live once.**

Got into the office to have to deal with an irate pregnant student who was completely wigging out and got the zipper on the back of my dress pulled unintentionally by a situation with the student and me picking up her back pack for her. Thankfully I *was* wearing a cute blazer or else everyone would have been able to see my pink lace panties. So no one noticed that my zipper tore but me (and my assistant who was fruitlessly trying to help me fix it in the restroom twenty minutes later).

NOW - I am in a different dress which is more of a "friday sun dress" than a work dress but it will have to do. My guests for the business luncheon today will love it, I'm certain.

And here I am. It's 9:30. Today will be a long day.


Blogger honeykbee said...

That THUMP followed by the most foul language I ever heard was YOU!?

wouch... =\

2:42 PM  

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