Saturday, September 16, 2006

Humpty Dumpty

I live my life on the fence, not really believing either side and making decisions based on not making a decision at all. Going with the flow.

Some may consider me brave, I do not view myself as brave at all. Blind, maybe. I try to always go with my gut feeling and then I will at times ignore it. Make justifications. I am adept at convincing others including but not limited to myself. Like this morning. Go for the easier route, the expected answer but only to be unsure or unhappy. I have a feeling that there are major changes on the horizon. Less of a feeling and maybe more observant of what is happening around me.

President of the School with whom I have worked with for about four years has resigned, leaving not only a position to fill but a loss of sense of purpose as a President is what runs a school as the heart is what runs the body. Not alone, but you can't think of one without the other.

I am getting ready to go to Mexico on Wednesday after a final in my Statistics class and the purpose is to have a last hoorah bachelorette party for a close gal pal but I am desperate for the trip for my own sanity.

China is just eight weeks away. I am going to have to utilize my vacation time by December so I will be spending a lot of time off of work and hopefully even more time out of state. At this moment I am sick of Nevada. Over it.

I will need to make a trip to Florida to visit the parents, DC to visit some long lost friends (you know who you are) and maybe NY.

Today is Saturday morning and I skipped the gym although I was already en route. Having thoughts of "the ex" while driving only to see him at a stop light one car over. We were both a little suprised. And such is life.

It's 11 am. Time for breakfast, plan my work out for the day and maybe some space.

I can only balance on this fence for so long, one of these days I will end up on one side or the other.


Blogger honeykbee said...

I think that fence will always be there. Life's a journey...

9:22 AM  

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